Final evaluation of the "Cash Transfer, Child Protection and Data Analysis: An Innovative Integrated Approach Responding To The Needs Of Girls And Boys Separated From Their Families in CAR" Funded by the Directorate-General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid (DGD) and implemented by Plan International

The purpose is to assess the implemented project following the 3 DAC criteria: relevance, effectiveness and sustainability. Regarding the relevance, particular attention shall be given to innovative aspects (digital platform, services package including conditional cash transfer, data collection) and to the extent in which these products are suitable for the desired effects. Regarding the efficiency, the evaluation will mobilize not only the impact assessment conclusions (Result 4) but also the suitable methodologies to notify whether or not the logical framework indicators were achieved. A particular attention shall be given to the case management quality, alternative care, psychosocial support, family search and reunion. An analysis on project management in CAR from Belgium is also expected (coordination and relation between the different Plan International Bureau, a working session with several consultants, communication etc.). Regarding sustainability, the evaluation shall explore the extent in which the tools, approach and mobilized resources within this project framework, are sustainable and transferable to local stakeholders and the Government.
Generally speaking, the evaluation shall be thorough in order to report to which extent the implemented approaches are mindful of gender, inclusiveness, children's rights, on one hand, an at which extent they comply with humanitarian principles and supports the beneficiaries resilience to conflict-related shocks on the other hand.
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