Final review of the project to support the modernization of the civil status system in Guinea

Final review of the project to support the modernization of the civil status system in Guinea

The civil status sector in Guinea still has important shortcomings, especially in two levels. Regarding the civil status services, the degree of coverage and the completion of registered civil status records are far from satisfactory. Regarding the request for civil status services by the population, the low literacy level coupled with the lack of knowledge on the registration procedures has an impact on the awareness of the importance to record the events when they occur. 

In view of the situation, the Government, the delegation of the European Union and the UNICEF country office have signed a cooperation agreement within the project framework to support the modernization of the civil status system in Guinea, covering a period from June 2016 to March 2019. In compliance with the international norms and standards, this project revolves around several activities aimed at contributing to the improvement of the Guinean civil status record system and the modernization of its procedure. 

At the end of the intervention, the different stakeholders agreed to conduct a final assessment of the project through an evaluation

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